Vet Chat Episode 1 with Dr. Kendra Pope
Welcome to the first installment of the vlog series, Vet Chat. My friend and colleague, integrative veterinarian, Dr. Kendra Pope was gracious to take time out of her busy schedule and sit down with me to discuss her background and growing trends in veterinary medicine.
Those of you who know me may be surprised that I am a nervous public speaker. I have a lot of confidence in certain things, but video makes me nervous. I’d rather be behind the camera or better yet, behind the computer/ pen writing about it. At nature I’m an observer. But I’ve never been one to let life pass me by. I love a good challenge.
So make sure you subscribe to Bridle & Bone on YouTube to never miss a new episode of Vet Chat, which we plan to produce monthly. Hopefully my videography and public speaking will improve as we learn about and discuss important topics related to animal health and wellness.
Visit Bridle & Bone on YouTube and subscribe!

Heather you did such a great job, and you didn’t look nervous at all!! You’re a natural. I love your monthly video series idea. It’s nice to mix it up a little so while I love reading articles, it’s could to gather information in other formats as well. Look forward to the next one!!
Heather Wallace
Thanks! Yes, I love writing but wanted to have an easily accessible interview series. It doesn’t hurt that we work closely with two veterinarians!
Kristen Paskus (@My3LilKittens)
Great first video of the series. I love this idea and best of luck with future episodes!!!!
Heather Wallace
Thank you very much. Stay tuned!
Lola The Rescued Cat
What a great series! Congratulations on stepping out of your comfort zone and bringing your readers a fantastic series. I loved this.
Heather Wallace
Thank you so much! Crossing fingers, we’ll see how people like it.
That was a fun video; it’s always a pleasure to hear about people’s businesses.
Heather Wallace
Glad you enjoyed it!
Great idea for a series! I hate being in front of the camera too so I get it.
Heather Wallace
Thanks! Stay tuned as each month we’ll address a different topic.
well whether you realize it or not, you APPEAR natural on camera so I say you are a natural! Also you have great editing skill! I don’t mind being on camera but have no idea what to do with a video after I am done with it lol.
It is so great to hear about people following their dreams!
I love that she does herbal medicine and acupuncture on pets!!
Heather Wallace
Thank you so much Joely! Truly. And yes, Dr. Pope is highly trained and I love that she combines traditional and “alternative” medicine for her clients. The world needs more veterinarians like her.
That is so true! I wish she was in my area!
Ruth Epstein
Fantastic job and I wish I had your courage to use YouTube more LOL as I prefer writing to speaking.
Heather Wallace
I prefer writing as well, I admit. But I do like a challenge, so thought this would be a nice way to reach a new audience about important topics.
Sonja Lishchynski
You got this! I found it took a few videos and then … one day I got the grove and it stopped feeling “weird” LOL You can re-do and cut in video … right? You are a natural. Video is a lovely way to mix things up! and YAY a holistic vet!!!!
Heather Wallace
Thanks for the support and vote of confidence! It’s a learning curve. I had two cameras set up but hated the way we looked in the other so just totally scrapped it (a different perspective that was unflattering to us both). Definitely stay tuned and make sure to submit any questions that we can answer on future episodes.
Great video Heather, well done, I think you were very natural and I enjoyed the video very much. I wish we had more complementary vets here in the UK, but if it’s starting to pick up in the US then I’m sure it will over here too!
Heather Wallace
I love the term “complementary” vet, I haven’t heard that yet but it’s an apt description. I hope the UK turns in this direction.
Jana Rade
I love veterinary podcasts and videos. I follow many. I don’t know anything about horses nor I have any, though I always admired them.
Heather Wallace
Well I hope you follow along and enjoy. Dr. Pope works with small animals, not horses although I do work with both horses and dogs myself.
Dorothy "FiveSibesMom"
I love the idea of this exciting series! You did a wonderful job, Heather! You would never know you are a nervous speaker, you looked so comfortable and professional. Congrats! I do a radio show, and even after 5+ years I still get butterflies and I am behind a mic, not a camera! Bravo to you! I love how “comfy” it seems, like you were sitting in my living room having a chat. I really like that! Looking forward to future ones as well!
Heather Wallace
What a fantastic compliment, thank you! We were actually filming in Dr. Pope’s veterinary office, where we work two days a week. Isn’t it lovely and peaceful?
Kamira Gayle
Oh how exciting! I’m going to subscribe to your YT channel now. You did so good. I would not have guessed you have nervousness with public speaking at all. Well done girl! (high five)
Heather Wallace
*High five*! Thank you. I’ve gotten better with age and practice, but small groups are easier. Even with larger groups I’m generally nervous before hand than put on my game face and just keep moving forward. Kind of like when I ride!
I’m encouraged by Dr. Kendra Pope’s thoughts on the future expansion of integrative and holistic services for our pets. She makes a good point about human services in those areas, so I look forward to the day when human and pets have many more choices in quality treatment options.
Heather Wallace
I couldn’t agree more!
This is a great interview. Both you and Dr. Pope seemed very comfortable in front of the camera. I liked hearing her perspective on how human health care influences animal health care.
Heather Wallace
Thank you. If there are any future topics you are interested in, please do let us know.
Cathy Armato
Congrats on starting this VLOG, it will be really helpful! I love that Kendra focuses on Veterinary Oncology and incorporates a holistic approach. I like that philosophy. Thanks for sharing!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Heather Wallace
Thanks Cathy! I hope it will help a lot of people and pet owners.
Mew Mew hellos, Miss Heather! You did a grr-eat and professional job interviewing Dr. Kendra. Mom didn’t realize that “there is no governing board for holistic doctors.” Mom feels fortunate that my vet practices always provides natural, holisitic and traditional medicine options as part of my treatment plan. That is s wonderful idea to do a monthly video series and I wish you much success with that! Purrs!
Heather Wallace
Thanks Valentine! I love that your veterinarian incorporates all aspects of health options.
Sweet Purrfections
Congratulations on your new venture with the vlog. I’ve always been pretty comfortable with public speaking – having been a teacher and a college professor. However, I don’t really like to hear my voice on video because it’s so darn Southern!
Heather Wallace
That’s awesome that you are so comfortable! I used to panic but practiced by talking about animals in front of visitors at the Central Park Zoo and that really helped me a lot. I learned to relax and let my goofy sense of humor shine through. In doing that helped me to gain my confidence.
caren gittleman
This is SUPERB!! Fabulous!!!!! So interesting as well! Everything was done so professionally. It was quite interesting to hear what Dr.Kendra does, I learned so much that I didn’t know. Also…as a total aside, saw on your Twitter page that you are a Libra (I pinned and tweeted this)………..no wonder you are so darned pretty!! (I am a Libra too, Oct 20) but never in life did I look as good as you!! This was fantastic!
Heather Wallace
Awww shucks Caren thank you! Yes, I’m a Libra, pretty much textbook definition as well. So glad you liked the episode. Definitely stay tuned and be sure to submit any questions or topic ideas you’d like covered.
Stephanie Seger
Terrific vlog! I love the concept and your first video looked great! Dr. Pope certainly seems knowledgeable in the area of natural medicine. I look forward to watching future episodes of your new show! Congratulations!!
Heather Wallace
Thanks Stephanie, I hope we can spread awareness and knowledge to help pets everywhere!
Bryn Nowell
Yay for an awesome first vlog post! I know being in front of the video camera can be intimidating but you did an amazing job! I also love learning about the inside scoop from veterinary care professionals. Thanks for helping to bridge that gap.
Heather Wallace
Thanks Bryn, and I love it too. I decided to take advantage of my relationship with veterinarians and spread awareness!