The Ultimate Guide to Phytocannabinoids for Horses
Last night I had trouble sleeping. I had so many thoughts running through my brain. The focus of my thoughts was, unsurprisingly, horses and how to best keep them calm. Yes, I realize the irony.
A few of my equestrian friends around the world have been dealing with kissing spine, stall rest, and pent-up horses. Others have been dealing with trailering problems. Even the most bombproof horse has their moments. The bottom line is that equestrians are looking for safe and natural ways to reduce anxiety, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain in their animals. As an equine massage therapist, I suggest sports massage relieves tension, reduce toxins, and stimulate endorphin release. Of course, true holistic wellness must address all aspects of the body whether behavioral, physical, and mental and address the core cause of the problem. As such, I know that massage is only part of a larger wellness program.
There are many ways to naturally improve the health and wellness of your horse. I’m very excited to find there is now a product available that I think could be a huge game changer for horses. Phytocannabinoid-rich oil (PCR).
Let me tell you a little more about PCR oil and how it can help your horse achieve balance naturally and without side effects. I first spoke with the founder of Treatibles, Juliana Carella, at the 2017 BlogPaws conference in Myrtle Beach. I had never heard of using cannabis treats for my pets and wanted to learn more about it. Like most people, I thought “how is this not giving my pet marijuana?”
Since our conversation and through my own research, I tried Treatibles hemp wellness treats with my reactive dog, Beau. I was incredibly happy with the results and wrote about our experience with their product.
I am a huge fan of Treatibles’s products. While most popular with dogs, we are trying to spread the word about the benefits available for horses.
Hemp Is Not the Same as Marijuana
The first thing you should know is that hemp and marijuana are not the same. Hemp is legal and is a common source of rope, paper, clothing, jewelry, and more. It is one of the oldest domesticated crops farmed by mankind. Hemp is a renewable and sustainable resource that has found a resurgence of popularity in recent years in our organic health markets because it is highly nutritious.
The US marked all cannabis plants, regardless of species, a Class 1 drug several decades ago and as a result many of us associate hemp with marijuana. This is definitively incorrect. Hemp contains <0.3% THC (hallucinogenic) which the body processes faster than can be absorbed. This is not a recreational drug.
It is important to note that rather than industrial hemp, Treatibles uses higher grade, medicinal-quality hemp in their products sourced in the USA.
What are Cannabinoids?
Treatibles is a US-based company and knowing the regulations involving cannabis they have done their due diligence to be clear how their product differs from medical marijuana:
“Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds present in both animals and the cannabis genus, which includes both hemp and cannabis. The phytocannabinoids in both offer a wide range of therapeutic applications. THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis. Hemp contains less than .3% THC and is legal in all 50 states. Our products are all hemp-based.” Treatibles
How Cannabinoids Affect Animals
All animals, with the exception of insects, have cannabinoid receptors in their brains, immune systems, and organs. As a result, our bodies absorb the cannabinoids found in hemp-derived phytocannabinoid-rich oil. In fact, rather than having to assimilate chemical calming products our bodies naturally interact with the cannabinoids inherent in PCR oil. All without negative side effects.
Not all Hemp-Derived Products for Pets are Created Equal
“We go above and beyond to ensure the efficacy and safety of all of our products. We third-party lab test at every stage, from the raw materials to the finished product. As far as we know, we are the only company producing phytocannabinoid products for pets that can quantify the exact milligrams of cannabidiol in every chew, dropper bottle and gel cap. In addition, we test to ensure our products are free of bio-contaminants and heavy metals,” offers Julianna Carella, CEO and Founder of Treatibles.
Not all PCR products are the same. Choosing a high-quality hemp-derived product is extremely important. THC is toxic to pets so sourcing hemp and quality testing are imperative for your animal’s wellness.
Which Horses Can Benefit from Phytocannabinoid-rich Oil?
All horses! Seriously. We all have that one horse we know that is suffering from chronic laminitis, anxiety, muscle soreness, stall rest, trailering anxiety, herd bound issues or more. The beautiful thing about PCR oil is that it does not have to be used continuously or build up in their systems.
Say your horse has anxiety about being trailered. You’ve desensitized him, using positive training methods, and still, he keeps pawing at the floor or kicking out causing the trailer to rock because he doesn’t want to be separated from you. Treatibles PCR oil is an amazing addition to your routine. Administer the dose 30 minutes to an hour beforehand and see what a difference it makes.
Alternatively, you may have a horse on stall rest. You’ve made some pretty creative toys for your horse to play with but after 4 weeks they are just feeling cooped up and wanting out. Use phytocannabinoid-rich oil for horses to help keep them calm until you can hand walk or turnout again. Further, you can use PCR oil to calm your horse prior to hand walking so he doesn’t make it a challenge!
Phytocannabinoid-rich oil does not change your horse’s personality. But it does help to bring your animal back to balance within their own bodies. Naturally.
Benefits of Phytocannabinoid-rich Oil for Your Horse
- Reduce Pain
- Improve Digestion and Appetite
- Calm Anxiety
- Reduce Inflammation
- Arthritis
- Nausea
- Seizures
- Separation Anxiety/ Generalized Anxiety
Competition Rules
Global competition rules are very strict when it comes to medicating your horse prior to an event. The FEI and United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) have precise information to keep everyone on an even playing field.
“The FEI has published a warning regarding the use of supplements (including herbal supplements) and products of which the ingredients are unknown. Any substances which affects the performance of a horse in a calming (tranquillising) or an energising (stimulant) manner and which contain a prohibited substance are forbidden.”Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI).
It is important to note that PCR oil and hemp were not on this list at the time this post was originally published. In May 2019 USEF placed CBD on their prohibited substance list. Anything that calms your horse is forbidden. Until further research can be done on the length of time CBD remains present and active in your horses’ system, it is advised to avoid using phytocannabinoids during competition season.
Is Phytocannabinoid-rich Oil and Hemp Illegal?
Treatibles was the first company to create PCR hemp oil infused chews for pets. Their products are virtually free of THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis. Treatibles are legal to sell and ship to all 50 United States.
Where You Can Buy PCR Oil for your Horse
Currently, on the market, horses would do best with the 25mg Phytocannabinoid Gel Caps available on the Treatibles website. The recommended dosage is one 25mg gel cap for a 1,000 lb. horse. The amount depends on the sensitivity of your horse and need, but always best to start with the minimum dosage before increasing. Do not increase to more than 50 mg per dose without consulting your veterinarian. Benefits may last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.
New on the market is a 750mg dropper bottle! This is brand new in production, and I’ve been chosen to personally share this exciting information with my fellow equestrians.

Treatibles is an amazing US-based company that has your pet’s mental and physical health at the forefront of their mind. They would love to improve the lives of horses as they have with dogs, cats, rabbits, and more.
The benefits of PCR oil for horses complement the benefits of sports massage, acupuncture, and aromatherapy which is why I am so glad that I found this product. Anything we can do to amplify the positive benefits of these holistic therapies naturally, without negative side effects, is something that I can get behind fully.
Try Treatibles PCR Oil for Your Horse Today and See for Yourself!

anne leueen
Very interesting and new to me. I appreciate your cautions about competition I know that the FEI are extremely strict. The USEF has a toll free line you can call for information on drugs and herbals which is helpful but may not have a cut off time for this roduct. Thanks for this post.
Heather Wallace
Anne, it is important to note, thank you. I have the list for FEI and USEF. While not listed by name it does note that any calming substance is banned for competition. This includes even lavender essential oil, which can be inhaled. So yes, very strict but important regulations. I would recommend this product for general behavioral need, or pain relief, but not for competition.
A Work In Progress
This can cause a drug positive, even though it has very little THC. I also know several humans who have tested positive for THC after using similar products. If you don’t show, then it isn’t an issue, though. I’ve never used this particular product, but medical marijauna does wonders for the pain and inflammation from my auto-immune disease.
Heather Wallace
I wouldn’t risk using this product in competition but due to the extremely low amount of THC it does not stay in the body’s system like medical marijuana. Also, it is a different species of plant. Similar medical benefits without the hallucinogenic properties. Glad to hear you are finding relief for pain and inflammation!
Kamira Gayle
I don’t have a horse however have heard great things about the Treatibles brand. Great post explaining the difference between hemp and marijuana. Many people think it’s all the same. I can definitely appreciate natural alternatives to help pets over conventional medicine. Too often I think the public is purposely misinformed to benefit large pharma corporations. So many ailments can be cured with more natural remedies right from the earth.
Heather Wallace
Kamira, I couldn’t agree more with you and appreciate your comments. Only within the last 150 years have we been using chemicals in our bodies. Even the beginnings of pharma at the turn of the 19th century were based on medicinal plants and chemically altered from there. I prefer to use natural methods whenever possible.
Lori Hilliard
Your explanation of the difference between hemp and marijuana is very helpful and reassuring to those of us who would like to try a safe alternative to more traditional pain relief medications.
Heather Wallace
Thank you, Lori. It is important to note the difference. My mother has recently starting using hemp oil and was very happy to hear the difference because it has been so effective, but she was feeling guilty. This product is entirely legal, beneficial to all animals (except insects) and 100% natural.
I honestly don’t know much about hemp oil, so I’m glad to have read an article on it now! I’ve heard of it helping cancer patients and children with epilepsy, so I can only imagine the reach of using it with animals.
Heather Wallace
Thanks Lindsey, that is why I’m trying to spread the word. Hemp and Phytocannabinoid-rich oil have become increasingly popular with cats and dogs due to the amazing benefits, but this is a product devoted entirely to the benefit and size of horses and other large animals. It’s amazing how our bodies react so positively to natural therapies.
I don’t have horses (although I adore them), I have tried treatibles on my dogs and we love it! I use hemp for some of my own health issues and it works really well.
Heather Wallace
Cathy that’s great! I’ve used Treatibles products with my dogs as well. Beau because he is timid and reactive, and it’s done wonders for his mental health. My mother has started using hemp as well. It only makes sense that it would be amazing for horses as well since they are so sensitive.
I am currently horseless, but I am very curious about using Treatibles for dogs. I will be curving out that article next!
Heather Wallace
Kate, all animals can benefit from Treatibles’ products. They are an amazing company that really has our pets’ wellness at the forefront of their minds. You can read my dog’s experience with Treatibles here. https://www.bridleandbone.com/blog/2017/treatibles-review/
Dear Mishu
This is really interesting! Thanks for teaching us about natural ways to help animals with stress. We get stressed too!
Heather Wallace
Yes we do, Mishu! I see and help a lot of high-strung horses and really believe this product can be a huge help.
Tenacious Little Terrier
Good point about not using it before competitions. How much does dosing a horse cost? Do they mind the taste?
Heather Wallace
The new 750 mg droppers are in production and a price hasn’t been released to me yet. However, the 25mg gel caps are approximately $4 a cap- so $16 a dose for a 1000 lb horse. The beautiful thing is that they provide pain relief, anxiety relief, and reduce inflammation within 30 minutes and may last up to 8 hours. The droppers are ideal so that they can be injected directly into the mouth, in the water, or in the grain easily.
Lola The Rescued Cat
I’ve heard great things about this Treatibles brand and I didn’t know they had products for horses. It’s very interesting learning more about the benefits of Hemp.
Heather Wallace
Lola, this is why I’m spreading the word about Treatibles new product for horses. It’s so exciting!
Sweet Purrfections
Very interesting. I never thought about the need to treat horses like you do. That shows I’ve only been around dogs and cats. I’ve thought about using something like this with my mom’s dog. He gets really stressed with thunderstorms, which we have a lot of in the South.
Heather Wallace
I’m sorry to hear that, thunderstorms are a common source of anxiety for many dogs. I often refer to horses as big dogs, but in reality they are prey animals. As such, much more prone to anxiety and flight. Which is why PCR oil and hemp is so beneficial for them.
The more I read about this oil, it seems like a modern, natural miracle. I don’t have a horse, but I am thinking about trying the oil for my dogs.
Heather Wallace
Yes to natural miracle, but ironically the benefits of this plant were used for thousands of years and is one of the oldest domesticated crops. Treatibles is turning to what works naturally to help our animals.
Mathilde Kvernland
Oh wow, I would love to try this one day! Baldur has a “wandering” problem when being stalled, so he is moving alot and dragging his droppings around in the stable, making a mess every day. Would be interesting to see if it would have an effect on that department!
Heather Wallace
Oh Baldur. He would be a perfect recipient for this product since he tends toward the spooky and “paces” in his stall. I massage a lot of horses like this, and it certainly helps. But obviously a massage therapist cannot be at the barn every day like Treatibles PCR oil can.
Debbie Bailey
We’ve used hemp-based CBD oil for our senior dog for his anxiety during thunderstorms and it’s been such a life saver! Makes sense that it would similarly help with anxiety in horses.
Heather Wallace
CBD oil is amazing for calming as well as for other symptoms senior dogs can have such as arthritis. Horse and dogs both have endocannabinoid receptors that naturally absorb this compound.
Such a great post! I think I mentioned to you before that I sure could have used this when I was training my horses back (gulp!) some (holy moly) 38 years ago (gosh, I fell old!) especially my young 2-year-old stallion! There many times I could touch the roof and lights of the indoor arena! I am very glad they have this for horses now. They are having good results for CBD oil for helping to control seizures and epilepsy in dogs. Pinning this to share!
Heather Wallace
Yes, absolutely I used CBD oil topically in some of my massage blends for dogs with severe pain due to cancer and arthritis. I love that Treatibles has expanded to include product for horses. There are not many companies that do.
Really interesting! I have a dog with seizures and some hip pain. It sounds like something worth trying. My horse trailers and travels well but if he has to be stalled for an extended time this may be helpful.
Heather Wallace
Glad you enjoyed this. There are a lot of misconceptions about CBD and PCR oil. I work with a lot of dogs that have hip pain from arthritis, and CBD can definitely provide pain relief. Happy to chat more if you have questions.
Great article, Heather! We love Treatibles here! So much, I, too, became an affiliate when I saw how it helped my Huskies with arthritis pain, GI issues, and more. I love that we have this as an option now and would love to have had it for a few of my horses years ago!
Heather Wallace
Treatibles is my go-to when clients need a CBD product for sure! I was so excited when they decided to launch an equine line.