The Anti-Goal Setter
You Won’t Catch Me Setting a New Year’s Resolution
My social media feed is filled with years in review and resolutions for the coming year. It’s rampant. And good for you if that’s your vibe. Honestly, most resolutions last two weeks and fade away into nothingness. Winter is not the time for new beginnings. For me, it’s a time of self care and self reflection. I refer to it as Hibernation Season.

The winter season is a time when nature pauses and everything stills. Nature takes a break and pauses until spring. As such, we should take the hint and do the same.

Rather than power through the holidays only to focus on some outward goal, I suggest you do the opposite. Embrace NOT setting a goal and hibernate a little. Focus on your needs and self care, whatever that entails. For me, it’s reading a book by the fire, spending time at the cabin with the dogs, playing couch potato and watching movies, writing blog posts and books, and yes- riding the horses as often as I can.
Hibernation for me doesn’t mean that I don’t focus on my horses. The opposite in fact. Spending time at the barn is a form of self care and integral to my mental health. It doesn’t hurt that January and February tend to be quieter months for my business because I pause saddle fit evaluations until March!

Take a break after the craziness of the holidays. Allow yourself time to pause and reflect. Focus on yourself and YOUR needs first. Everything else can wait. Spring is a time for new beginnings and opportunities. When March comes, it’s the perfect time to set your intentions and goals!