Copyright Infringement: The Blogger’s Boogeyman
I don’t want to rant. Nope, not gonna do it. But in the spirit of Halloween I want to address a scary problem for blogger’s everywhere. Copyright infringement. I am a professional blogger,…
Origins of an Equestrian Writer
I remember it clearly. The two-sided push from both my client and my business partner while chatting during a massage session on day last fall that created the origins of an equestrian writer. …
Blogger Recognition Award, Pet Edition
Blogging has taken on a life of its own. While it started as a way to journal online, it has transformed into a way to market brands or products; or publicize important news.…
Revealing My Journey Into the Exciting World of Pet Blogging
Beginning a second and third career as an animal massage therapist and pet blogger in your late 30's is not easy, but is made much more fun with the help of the BlogPaws…
Book Review: Spike, A True Story
Alyssa Knee is an equestrian in Australia and she writes about her rescue horse Spike with a congenital condition called lordosis, or “swayback”.